Learning To Crawl: The Benefits For The Baby

Learning to crawl: the benefits for the baby

When we notice that our child gains more independence and confidence, that he has more strength in his movements and seems to want to throw himself to the ground, we expect him to start walking on all fours at any moment. However,  some parents have a longer wait. In fact, some babies don’t seem to want to learn to crawl.

Learning to crawl is an essential part of a newborn’s motor development. It is a fundamental step in gaining the confidence and strength necessary to start walking. However, there is no exact date when the little one begins to crawl. All children are different and learn at their own pace.

There are several reasons why some babies don’t crawl. The period in which they begin is between 7 and 9 months of life. Despite this, not all children go through this phase. Some are also likely to do so after learning to walk.

For this reason, we don’t have to worry if our baby still isn’t crawling. However, we must observe the conditions under which this circumstance occurs. For example, if the child appears to have other problems with their legs or with the coordination of movements, it is advisable to consult the pediatrician.

The importance of stimuli for learning to crawl

As we have said, unless there are problems with slaute, it is normal for some babies not to crawl when expected. The specialists point out that the stimuli of the parents have a positive influence on this phase.

When babies start crawling

Most babies show signs of independence from the sixth month of life. They are more restless, get up, jump and seem more active. They start crawling around this time because their motor system is ready to move.

Babies crawl because they want to move but don’t know how to walk. It is a movement that arises from their need to arrive in a place that attracts them.

Despite this, a newborn who is not receiving stimuli may never crawl. In fact, even if many do it of their own accord, some may need help. In addition, the child should feel secure and rest his feet on a firm surface.

For this, crawling is the first way they have to move without the help of their parents. But adults don’t always allow children freedom of movement. Lack of stimulation and optimal conditions for practice can prevent babies from learning to crawl. In other cases, parents encourage their children to walk directly. They hold them by the hand and help them in their first steps.

Learn to crawl before walking

It is common for some children to walk without ever having crawled. However, by doing so they get multiple benefits.

The position taken to crawl makes them faster, safer and more decisive. In addition, it is part of the human evolutionary process. In fact, it requires the activation of both cerebral hemispheres. When the baby crawls, he learns to coordinate movements using both sides of the brain. Other benefits that come with this process are the following.

  • Increases the elasticity of the hands and ankles.
  • The sense of touch is stimulated .

Stimulation of the senses of the newborn

  • Promotes level change, useful for finding balance.
  • Strengthens the digestive system.
  • It has benefits in the field of view.
  • Strengthens the musculo-sheletric structure of the spinal column.
  • Strengthens the motor system, which is necessary for learning to walk.
  • Stimulates the resistance of the cardiovascular system.

Babies are all different and learn at different rates. For this, we don’t have to worry if they start crawling later.

In any case, if we notice that our child needs it, we can stimulate him. We can show him a game and have him crawl after us. We can also have him imitate us while we show him how he crawls. We must let it move in the direction it wishes, as long as it is safe. You don’t need to worry too much. If the little one is healthy, he will learn and go through developmental stages in his own way. We just have to give him the tools to do it.

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