Midwife, A Job That Goes Beyond Childbirth

The midwife with her wisdom and experience can help women even during gestation and after the birth of the baby
Midwife, a job that goes beyond childbirth

The midwife has existed since time immemorial and is generally associated with the time of childbirth. But she, with her wisdom and experience, can help women even during gestation and after the baby is born. In fact, it is often she who takes care of the preparto courses in specialized centers. Everyone knows how valuable your advice is in the breastfeeding phase.

In times past the midwife or midwife was a woman who specialized in helping to give birth. This specialization came exclusively from experience. Generally this experience was made up of popular wisdom, legendary beliefs and natural factors.

Over time its importance has not been diminished and there has been a specialization both from a scientific and social point of view: it is no longer just a lady who knows a lot about childbirth. And that is why many mothers can turn to her to clarify their doubts and be helped in various ways during and after pregnancy.

Midwives: lactation consultants

midwife helps a mom

The International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, IBCLC (Professional Consultant in Breastfeeding) certifies hundreds of obstetric nurses annually. This certification allows an increasing number of women to be able to rely on people specialized in breastfeeding. Although breastfeeding is a natural and instinctive process, there are situations in which there is a need for some stimulation and adaptation, both on the part of the mother and the baby.

Professional nursing midwives teach primiparous mothers the secrets of this wonderful process and advise on mechanisms that improve the first moments with the baby. These precious tips can be received both before and after pregnancy, in the appropriate courses or by asking for personalized support.

A woman who is breastfeeding for the first time needs support and help in various ways. Instead, those who have already had experience with a child may find themselves facing different situations. Although in most cases the process goes naturally, some women may find themselves in difficulty and need the intervention of an expert.

Midwives can help correct breastfeeding mistakes. There are mothers who have health problems or doubts about how it is best to do. It is also possible that the baby may need help to adapt to this new method of feeding.

During the meeting with the midwives, the mothers give all the information necessary to understand what the problem is. The meetings last at least an hour or as long as necessary to understand how to improve the situation. Midwives can also go home when required.

When is the intervention of a midwife necessary?

the work of the midwife

In most cases, problems are solved at home with the help of the mother and family. But there are also situations in which the intervention of specialized personnel is needed. Although many of these can be solved by the gynecologist, in many cases they are situations that need natural methods, a lot of patience and complicity to be overcome brilliantly.

Many specialized midwives can help during the preparatory courses: they teach how to deal with the various situations that the future mother may not even imagine she may have to face and guide us to understand what is happening right away. Not all the changes that occur during motherhood can be clarified and explained in a few meetings. The midwives also warn that much of the information received is forgotten as women, during these meetings, are more focused on facing the moment of childbirth.

In any case, the meetings tend to clarify and explain the moment of breastfeeding. In the main courses related to this topic we talk about:

  • pain during breastfeeding, nipple cracks, blocked ducts or mastitis
  • difficulty getting the baby to latch on
  • refusal of the baby to suck
  • problems caused by interventions, poor milk production, weight loss
  • doubts about the extraction
  • need for exclusive or mixed breastfeeding
  • breastfeeding twins or tandems (breastfeeding babies of different ages)
  • children with physical problems (Down syndrome, labial cleft, neurological changes, palatine cleft)
  • premature birth
  • reflux
  • weaning.

As you can see, the role of the midwife goes far beyond what you imagine and understanding it will make things easier for you in case you need it.

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