Premature Babies And Health Problems: Here They Are

Premature babies and health problems: here are what

Being born before the 37th week of pregnancy can lead to health complications for the little one. Premature babies and health problems unfortunately often go hand in hand, even if thanks to medical advances the chances of survival have increased enormously.

Premature babies require special attention because their internal organs are not fully formed and ready. For this reason they can present problems that affect their health in the medium and long term.

Premature birth can be due to several causes: infections, stress, accidents, a strong blow or alcohol consumption. Below we go into detail to tell you about the most common problems of these little ones.

Premature babies and health problems

In these cases, the majority of complications affect the brain and lungs. Here are the most frequent problems.

1. Respiratory complications

  • Disease of the hyaline membranes

Hyaline membrane disease is a disease that affects newborns, especially premature babies. It mainly occurs with difficulty in breathing (dyspnoea) and a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis).

This disease can lead to bronchopulmonary dysplasia, which is a chronic lung disease. It also promotes the appearance of fibrosis in the lungs, causing respiratory failure.

  • The persistence of the arterial duct

It is a heart abnormality that causes breathing difficulties in the baby. The arterial duct is located between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Its presence is given in all newborns even if it can disappear quickly.

Generally this channel closes autonomously after the first hours of life. In some premature babies it can remain open and cause breathing problems.

premature babies and health problems

  • Central apnea

This is a term that defines an interruption of breath of at least 20 seconds in the baby. All babies can experience this type of problem although it is more common in premature babies.

After apnea it is possible that the heart rate slows down. When breathing slows down, your heart rate also decreases.

2. Digestive complications

Premature babies have difficulty sucking and are sometimes totally unable to swallow. In these cases, the digestive system cannot assimilate the essential nutrients needed by the baby’s body.

However, proper nutrition is essential and sufficient to help him grow healthily and fortify his body.

The premature baby can suffer from digestive disorders. The most frequent digestive urgency is necrotizing enterocolitis. It is a digestive illness related to the frailty of the premature baby.

3. Neurological complications

During the last trimester of pregnancy, the brain develops more. If a baby is born premature, it can have complications such as intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular leukomalacia.

Intraventricular hemorrhage (HIV) is one of the most worrying health problems. This bleeding occurs because the brain is not fully developed, so the fragile blood vessels break and rupture easily.

If it is intense, it can generate serious problems and lead to death. One third of premature babies with this condition do not survive.

premature babies and health problems

Periventricular leukomalacia is a predominant type of brain injury. In this case, the area of ​​the brain tissue is damaged and can affect the nerve cells that control the baby’s movements. This can lead to motor problems, such as cerebral palsy.

4. Liver-related complications

When a baby is born, the liver destroys red blood cells, releasing a pigment called bilirubin. The problem is that the baby’s liver cannot easily transform it, thus creating an accumulation. This buildup causes physiological jaundice.

Keep in mind that its intensity can vary from one baby to another. Bilirubin residues will be eliminated through the baby’s faeces and skin, often giving it a yellowish color.

As a result of these possible complications, mothers of premature babies are often worried and stressed. In all cases, you must not forget that, thanks to the medical process, the health problems of premature babies are less and less, and that most of the babies manage to enjoy excellent health. Premature babies and health problems don’t have to be a must.

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