Putting Limits On A Child Will Make Him Responsible

Putting limits on a child will make him responsible

Putting limits on a 2-year-old is not always easy given the age that requires him to be independent and do what he wants.  And to think, moreover, that every whim must be satisfied. For this it is essential that parents remain calm.

When parents impose norms, it is because the child needs direction. In this way, parents teach him to respect himself and others. So how can parents set limits on little ones? What are the benefits of doing it?

Who is responsible for setting limits on the little one?

Both parents are responsible for the child’s upbringing. Together they must inform the rest of the family so that everyone is aware of the rules. For this reason, in order to impose limits, parents must take into account the abilities of the child.

7 Methods for Limiting a 2-Year-Old Child

The rules are necessary so that the little one knows how far to go with the parents and the rest of the world. One of the key rules for parents can be:

1. Communicate things explicitly and concretely

Since 2-year-olds do not yet possess abstract thinking, they must be explicitly explained what is desired from their behavior. You can’t just say “Behave well” or “Sit well”; we must also explain to him what is meant by good.

set limits

2. Talk to him in a firm, quiet voice

It is necessary to explain to him the rules that are not respected in a firm and calm voice. Something that can help is to write them down and leave them in a prominent place. In the event that the child does not respect them, it is necessary to take him back in a peaceful form without shouting.

3. Don’t give in even if your little one gets angry

Parents need to be firm on their decisions. The “No” must be “No”, do not give up even if the little one begins to cry, scream or get angry with others.

If you set a rule, it must be respected. Otherwise, the baby will learn that he just needs to cry to get what he wants.

4. Talk in positive sentences

The little ones more obey the rules imposed in a positive way. Instead of asking him not to cry, you can speak to him in a low, quiet voice.

For example, if he is hitting another child, he should not be told not to hit, but to treat others with love and respect.

5. Be aware of the child’s personality

You have to keep in mind the personality of the little one as not all children are the same. Some need a little warning, others need stricter rules. In case they do not understand the first time, you will have to repeat the rule again.

6. Parents must agree

If the father imposes a rule, the mother must respect his decision and support him in his choice and vice versa. Otherwise the little one will understand that it is not worth obeying and following the imposed rules and will seek support elsewhere.

7. Establish routines

Routines must be established and followed. If you set a particular time to eat or sleep, it must be respected. This will help the little one realize the things he needs to do during the day.

If, on the other hand, he does not want to sleep, you must take him to the room and  explain that if he does not sleep he will wake up tired and sleepy at dawn.

set limits

The benefits of placing limits on a 2 year old

When parents impose limits and rules on the little ones, they can reap countless benefits. Among the many you can meet:

  • As they grow up they will learn that rules must be followed. This will especially benefit adults.
  • They will become responsible people.
  • It will give him confidence to know what to do. What is good to do and what not.
  • It will help them in developing self-esteem.

In conclusion, placing limits on a child is necessary for him to be obedient and responsible. While it sounds complicated, it’s not difficult. Always set rules for your children with affection, they will appreciate it once they are adults.

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