Rebellious Children, Successful Adults

Rebellious children, successful adults

There is no worse nightmare for an adult than a rebellious, disobedient and opinionated child.  Rebellious children never agree on anything, carry the flag of whim, do not give in to any kind of punishment and manage to make many parents lose their patience.

The rebellion actually has its pros and cons. Rebellious children tend to become successful adults, with great jobs and dream salaries, according to a study published in the journal Developmental Psychology  . How is it possible?

A study proves the success of rebellious children

It was always thought that success depended on factors such as obedience, temperance, dialogue and respect. This is very far from what this study demonstrates, for which the secret of economic and social success would be rebellion.

The research, begun in 1968, studied the behavior of 3,000 12-year-olds and the results obtained  after 50 years, with conclusions as clear as they were surprising. The results? All in favor of the “earthquake children” compared to more docile children.

Examples of rebellious children: A child challenges his mother.

Among the information collected are academic achievements, family economic situation, behavioral information, IQ and a questionnaire on each child’s social habits and skills.

Research shows that considering a child’s IQ is not enough to predict their success.  Indeed, the best indicator for predicting his future is his ability to break the mold from an early age.

Children considered rebellious, opinionated, agitated or disobedient have over time managed to occupy positions of power. And, as a result, they earned more than those who performed best in childhood.

According to the article published in the journal Developmental Psychology , success does not depend solely on the level of rebellion demonstrated. The quality of the professional and academic training, the responsibility and dedication of the child are equally important.

Rebellious Children: A Matter of Selfishness?

The researchers believe, based on the variables analyzed, that the secret of the economic success of these children lies in their selfishness, in the ability to look at their own interests while completely ignoring those of others.

These subversive children do not follow the generally imposed rules for creating balance and harmony. They break them in their favor,  with the ultimate aim of obtaining a personal benefit.

Also, this feature is very useful for salary negotiation, as their innate unconventionality will lead them to ask for more and more.

What does the psychology of success of wayward children say?

A branch of psychology points out two “weaknesses” of this study. On the one hand, what years ago was considered rebellion probably would not be such today. On the other hand, it is possible that these benefits in the workplace have not been obtained in an ethical manner.

A child sticks his tongue out.

Conversely,  the article argues that  more stubborn and rebellious children have had a better chance of getting better, higher- paying jobs for a particular reason. This is perhaps due to the fact that many have stayed in school longer due to school failure.  Thus they had a better chance of having a deeper knowledge of the topics covered.

Don’t be alarmed if your children constantly challenge your authority.  They are building an ambitious personality for a promising future in which they will benefit greatly from their behavior.

When you feel that you are running out of patience, rely on  hope. In the future, all this effort could be rewarded with a trip around the world or an apartment in the city of your dreams …

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