The 10 Great Fears Of A Mother

Mothers, as we know, tend by nature to protect their children. But the great fears of a mother, at times, can become excessive and reflect on the children in a negative way.
The 10 great fears of a mother

As mothers, we always want the best for our children. According to many, our attentions are excessive, but only we know what a mother’s great fears are.

We want to dedicate as much time as possible to our children and even as they grow up, we still remain dependent on their every move.

What are the great fears of a mother?

1. When the baby sleeps alone for the first time. When our son sleeps alone for the first time in his room, we are afraid that something might happen to him, even if he is just a few steps away from us.

2. We fear they will harm him. That he can meet people who could harm him or take advantage of him, which is why we try to teach him to distinguish good intentions from bad ones.

3. We are afraid that he may develop serious or terminal illnesses. It always scares us that he can get sick or suffer.

4. The fact that they can take him away from us. Thinking that someone could take him away from us is also a great fear.

5. A natural disaster that could separate us from him. When we hear about earthquakes or tsunamis hitting certain areas, we can’t help but think of those mothers separated forever from their children.

6. The fact that something could happen to us and that it can remain alone. Who could take care of him better than his parents? The fact that something could happen to us and that it could remain alone is also a great fear.

Other fears ..

7. The fear that he may not have self-love. Or that for some reason he may not love himself.

8. The fact that it may not achieve independence. This too is a great fear in which we may have some degree of guilt determined by the fact that it always continues to depend on us.

9. That he can’t make his dreams come true. We want to support him and always be by his side so that he can achieve his goals; we are afraid that he might be disappointed with something.

10. And, more importantly, not being able to be sure of his happiness. His happiness is something that really distresses us, one of our greatest fears. We want his happiness more than anything.

Big fears of a mother: woman kisses her little son

Our attentions are always influenced by our fears; fears that only mothers can understand perfectly. But how to understand when we are exaggerating?

There is a syndrome known as “Wendy’s syndrome”, which consists of an excess of the mother’s sense of protection, resulting in possible problems for the baby.

What is Wendy’s Syndrome?

Remember the story of “Peter Pan”? Wendy always watched and protected Peter from anything that might hurt him. This is exactly what this syndrome consists of: overprotection is so excessive that sometimes the mother – who takes on the role of Wendy – forgets herself. It does not mean that this syndrome is a disease, but it can damage our children’s future.

Psychologists argue that people who have suffered from parental neglect and lack of affection as children can end up suffering from this syndrome because they want to give their children everything they have lacked.

Symptoms of Wendy’s Syndrome: A Mother’s Great Fears

  • They always try to do all the housework. They do not want for anything in the world that their children wash the dishes, clean or cook dinner …
  • They don’t want their children to encounter obstacles. They try to give them no responsibility, they put in order for them the books they will have to bring to school and they let them win during a game …
  • They are parents who control and dominate. They always expect their children to be obedient.
  • They always want to please others. They even give up their own needs.
  • They always sacrifice themselves for their children. They are capable of anything for them.
  • They flee from conflict situations. They don’t like problems, they always try to avoid them.
  • They take excessive care of their children. They always try to take care of them and protect them from whatever.

The great fears of a mother: concluding remarks

You can be a good mother without having to become a “Wendy” mother. As mothers we know what a mother’s great fears are but it is important that our children become responsible, take their own path and learn from their mistakes. That’s all.

Children growing up

Very often we are too intent on protecting them, but we cannot always be with them; they must learn to stand up for themselves and solve problems. In the future they will become independent and may suffer in many ways if they are not prepared for obstacles from an early age.

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