The Best Teas And Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

A good cup of tea allows us to take a moment of rest for ourselves, even more important during pregnancy.
The best teas and herbal teas during pregnancy

Nutrition is very important during pregnancy. But we must be careful about the foods we can eat and those to avoid. Drinking tea is very useful, but we cannot drink all types of tea. For this reason we will tell you which are the best teas to drink during pregnancy.

There are various types of tea and some are not good if we are expecting a baby. That is why it is very important to know which plant they come from and what properties they have so as not to cause any harm to the baby.

The benefits of drinking tea during pregnancy are many, especially if we consume green tea or rooibos tea. Obviously, you should always take them in moderation. Let’s find out which are the best teas to drink during pregnancy.

The best teas during pregnancy

Tea brings many benefits to the body, especially during pregnancy. The list of teas and infusions is extensive and each of them has different properties. Let’s get to know some of them …

  • Rooibos tea. It contains antioxidants that stimulate the immune system, which is usually low during the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Green tea. This type of tea is also rich in antioxidants that protect DNA and promote baby development.
  • Tender. For pregnant women it is one of the most harmless. However, you must take the decaffeinated one.
  • Oat straw. It is one of the best herbal teas because it is very nutritious and is good for the nervous system. Additionally, it provides important vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.
  • Ginger. It is one of the most recommended during pregnancy because it helps relieve nausea.
  • Nettle tea. It is one of the best for pregnant women. Contains many vitamins and minerals such as iron and calcium.
  • Thyme tea. This tea is also great to take during pregnancy. It has many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Among the minerals we mention iron, manganese and calcium.

    Pregnant woman pouring herself a cup of tea.

    What types of tea are not recommended during pregnancy?

    Just as there are teas that are good for pregnancy, there are others that we must avoid. It is important to know them so as not to hire them.

    1. Sage tea. It has a substance called thujone, which can stimulate the uterus and cause miscarriages or high blood pressure.
    2. Parsley tea. When taken in large quantities, it can be harmful because it can increase the risk of miscarriage or affect the baby’s development.
    3. As we said earlier, green tea can be beneficial, but when taken in large quantities it can be harmful. For this reason we include it in this list. Contains large amounts of caffeine and reduces the absorption of folic acid. However, when taken in moderation, it can regulate blood sugar levels and prevent the development of gestational diabetes.
    4. Another tea that is not recommended is licorice root tea, as it can raise blood pressure.
    5. Oddly enough, chamomile tea is also not recommended. As we know it has many benefits, but it can cause circulatory problems for the baby.
    6. Eucalyptus tea can help those with respiratory problems, but in pregnancy it can cause nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting.
    7. A very dangerous tea is that with mint (Mentha pulegium). In the worst cases it can cause malformations to the baby.
    8. One tea that you should never drink during pregnancy is rhubarb tea. It is so strong that it can cause uterine contractions that can cause you to miscarry.
    9. Boldo leaf tea is not recommended, as it can cause contractions and premature births.
    10. Some experts advise against drinking valerian tea, as it can cause problems.

    Cup of tea at sunset.

    Some advices

    1. Do not abuse in the consumption of infusions. They can cause problems with the uterus.
    2. You can drink one to three cups of tea a day. Don’t drink more of it because it could hurt you.
    3. Tea contains some caffeine. It is preferable not to drink it regularly.
    4. Try drinking different types of tea as they have different properties and tastes.
    5. White tea and jasmine tea are recommended during pregnancy.

    Tea can be good for us, but it can also be harmful if we don’t take the right precautions. Before taking it, find out about the properties of each tea. If in doubt, consult an experienced doctor and avoid taking tea if you do not know the effects it will have on your body or baby. Remember that the most important thing is to protect your health and that of the baby.

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