The Importance Of The Baby Carrier

The importance of the baby carrier

Have you ever thought about all the advantages of always taking your child with you? Carrying your little one in the baby carrier offers enormous benefits to his physical and emotional development. Not only is it a comfortable and practical solution for mothers, who at the same time take full advantage of the opportunity to be together with their baby, but it is also advantageous for the little one.

This experience also generates a feeling of safety and security in the baby. Apart from the feeling of tranquility and the union that is established between you, there are numerous other points in favor of this method.

The importance of the baby carrier for the baby’s body

Babies raised with the baby carrier technique have a more advanced psycho-motor development. On the other hand, the bodies of babies who are kept in the stroller or seat for a long time experience a delay in adapting to motor development. This way an 11-month-old baby who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down will have, metaphorically, a C-shaped column. Not recommended unless it’s a newborn.

In addition, the child may have a flat head or may suffer from plagiocephaly. This type of problem is due to the fact that most likely the child has been too much in unsuitable media for physical development. Remember that generally, at this age, the young already have curvatures in the spine.

The baby carrier

The baby carrier system, also used with bands, promotes fundamental body change for all children. This development will allow him to crawl, sit, stand and walk in the future.

Basically, the importance of the baby carrier lies in the freedom and autonomy of movement that enhances the exercise of its muscles. A more natural, organic and functional development.

The baby carrier, key to the physiological development of the baby

Ultimately there is nothing better for children than growing up in the arms of their parents. This is the key to guaranteeing him the best possible motor development. In addition, the baby carrier strengthens the baby’s body by moving the mother’s body. In this way the process is similar to that of the embryo in the mother’s womb.

What’s more, the importance of the baby carrier also concerns the physiological aspect of the baby. Here are some of the other benefits you should know about:

  • Supports the baby firmly and securely
  • Develop and stimulate all the senses of the little one
  • Fortify the relationship between parent and child
  • Increase freedom of movement
  • It tones the back muscles of mum or dad, which supports a well-distributed weight

    The baby carrier

    • It improves psycho-motor development thanks to the constant oscillation that enhances balance and body control.
    • It decreases colic thanks to the vertical position which benefits the digestive system and promotes the expulsion of gas.

    Benefits for babies and parents

    The baby carrier is a practical and comfortable system that leaves the hands of the parents free and favors the rest of the arms. Another significant benefit of this method is that babies sleep better and cry less. Furthermore, kangaroo-reared babies have been shown to gain weight in less time.

    Another no less important aspect is the socialization of the little ones. Babies who are often carried in the baby carrier are more sociable because they are more integrated into everyday life. They also actively participate in the life of the parent.

    Last but not least, this method benefits breastfeeding. Carrying the baby this close causes the mother to segregate oxytocin. This hormone promotes the formation of milk.

    If you still have doubts about this technique, try others. But don’t hesitate to buy a baby carrier and take your child wherever you go!

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