The Magic Sand: Let’s Play With The Children!

Magic sand is also known as kinetic or moon sand. Find out how to prepare it at home with a few simple steps!
The magic sand: let's play with the children!

Magic sand is also known as kinetic or moon sand. This material has the characteristic of entertaining and fascinating the little ones of the house. The best part is that preparing it is as quick and easy as it is fun.

This magical sand owes its name to its rarity. It is, in effect, a moving object that can take on different shapes. At the same time it can be made in different colors, always with the same basic technique.

Do you want to know more about this game that will conquer you in the end? This eye-catching material requires few ingredients to make and is absolutely reusable. What are you waiting for to get to work with your child? Street!

Material for making magic sand

As you will see, there are very few ingredients you will need to enchant your child with your creation. It will surprise you, then, to discover that most of the necessary items are already at home.

Playing with the family

Read carefully and take notes. With just four or five simple ingredients, you’ll make your kids so happy they’ll be grateful for a while:

  • Colored sand
  • water
  • Dish soap
  • Starch
  • Glitter (of your choice)

Magic sand, point by point

  • First of all, choose a large and deep container, in order to proceed with the initial dough. Once found, you will have to pour all the colored sand into it, along with a spoonful of starch. It is essential to properly mix these ingredients. In addition, it is essential to avoid the presence of lumps of starch separated from the sand. Keep in mind that you can choose your child’s favorite color. You will simply have to buy the sand of the color you love the most.
  • In a separate container, pour a tablespoon of water with a pinch of detergent or dish soap. Mix until you get a homogeneous liquid.
  • Then, add this liquid preparation (water with detergent) to the one made previously, that is the compound formed by sand and starch. Mix properly to obtain a moist dough.
  • Remove the contents from the bowl to evenly mix the entire preparation, using your hands.
  • In case you want to give a bright touch to the kinetic arena, you can add some glitter of the color you prefer.
  • Now, once you have a dough similar to plasticine, but more crumbly, your magic sand is ready for your child to play with.

Magic sand considerations

Remember that the exact proportions of the materials to be used to make your magic sand will always depend on how much sand you want to get. It is recommended to work with a pack of about 100 grams, but this detail depends on the space each of you has in the house.

The magic sand

Do not forget, however, that it is essential to properly preserve this preparation. Never leave it in random places. Take the necessary steps to preserve this useful family creation.

In this regard, we suggest you keep the dough in an airtight container. Make sure that the lid of the container closes perfectly, because the conservation of this manual game will depend on this, as this will extend its duration.

Benefits for children’s play

As soon as you have your kinetic sand in your hands, you will not regret having prepared it because this object with its own movement is so original and curious that you will not be able to understand it until you have it in your fingers. In addition, it offers various benefits to children.

Among these, for example, the fact that the sand of the moon does not stain and is odorless. It does not dirty, since the grains of sand do not disperse, but remain united. Also, we are talking about antibacterial material, which is no small feat.

And you, what are you waiting for to give your child this pleasant game? You will see that this unique and original material will give your child the opportunity to experiment, as it represents a sensory stimulus that will leave you speechless from the first contact.

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