The Mother’s Sleep After The Birth Of The Baby

Sleep is a fundamental and essential function for the health of every human being. After giving birth, this aspect may be compromised, but there are some tips we can follow to mitigate the negative effects and improve sleep even after the birth of a baby.
The mother's sleep after the birth of the baby

The arrival of a baby marks a before and after in the life of a family. Routines change dramatically, as do priorities. New needs and concerns arise that we have never experienced before. However, the mother’s sleep after birth is particularly affected by some of the most important consequences.

In fact, the inability to be able to enjoy sufficient and quality rest is one of the main problems that mothers of newborns have to face. Lack of sleep can cause serious problems in their physical and emotional health. For this reason, it is very important to take care of this fundamental function as much as possible.

Sleep after the baby is born

With the arrival of the baby, the mother generally finds herself exhausted and exhausted due to the labor of delivery. However, he cannot afford to rest, because now there is a little person who needs his attention almost 24 hours a day. To all this we must add the worry of not being up to the task, the lack of time and, of course, the lack of sleep.

With the arrival of the baby, finding time to sleep is increasingly difficult.

We must take into account that a newborn sleeps approximately 18 hours a day, but never all in a row. For this reason, it is inevitable that the mother’s sleep patterns will suffer the consequences. Additionally, hormones also seem to play against us, causing us to experience noticeable daytime sleepiness.

Despite everything, sleep is essential to keep us healthy and to be able to implement our motherhood correctly. Consequently, it is essential to follow some rules that are able to guarantee us, as far as possible, a restful rest.

How can we improve sleep after the baby is born?

Adopt the same hours as the baby

One of the most important measures is to adapt your sleep schedules to those of your baby. The baby’s rest is fragmented into several short periods, and if you try to sleep only during the night, it will be impossible for you to maintain your rhythm. So, whenever your little one falls asleep, do it too.

Forget the routines and schedules you were used to previously. Forget the work that you still have to do and don’t worry if the house is in a mess. Sleep when your baby is asleep – sleep is a priority during this time and everything else can wait.

Take advantage of the night sleep period

Night sleep will be what you will most feel the need, but for the child it represents only one of the 6 or 7 periods in which his daily rest is distributed. So, if you want to prolong your night sleep, you need to help him distinguish day from night.

To do this, during the day put him to sleep in rooms where the light enters and from which he can hear the noises of everyday life. During the night, however, make sure that the bedroom is dark and silent.

On the other hand, if your baby is bottle-fed, have no doubts and delegate the early morning feedings to the father. Care and nurturing must be shared: dividing up the tasks will allow you to rest better.

Mom sleeps with her baby.

If, on the other hand, you have chosen breastfeeding, avoid looking at the clock during nighttime feedings. Doing so would activate your mind to the point of preventing you from easily going back to sleep. Simply feed your baby and keep sleeping.

Take care of your sleep after the baby is born

We all know the rules to follow in order to enjoy quality sleep. However, we are not always constant in observing them. Now, however, the time has come to put all these recommendations into practice.

Try to always go to sleep on the bed, in the dark and in silence. Avoid falling asleep on the sofa or with the television on, as this will make it more difficult for you to reach deep sleep. Also, it is important that you do not consume stimulating foods and drinks and that you practice some type of exercise on a regular and moderate basis.

Delegate and enjoy the moment

Finally, remember that you don’t have to be a 4 × 4 woman. You don’t have to do it all alone. Learn to delegate and ask your loved ones for help when you need some rest. doing so will make you feel healthier and happier, and will allow you to take care of your baby better.

And above all, enjoy the moment you are living. Remember that within a few months, your baby’s hours of night sleep will increase and things will start to improve. Take things with calm, patience and optimism, and savor these first months of his life.

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