The Reflection On Children With Autism That Will Open Your Eyes

An Argentine actress surprised everyone with a reflection on children with autism in which she stresses the importance of accepting differences in order to achieve true social inclusion.
The reflection on children with autism that will open your eyes

“Look at them, touch them, approach them, interact”, exclaimed the famous Argentine actress Inés Estevez last April 2, Day of Awareness on Autism, inviting society to reflect on children with autism. Although the artist has never talked about his private life, through this deep and shocking letter in which he referred to children with autism , starting from the particular case of one of his adoptive daughters (called Cielo and Vida), he moved and opened the eyes of his fans.

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What he writes in the letter  demonstrates with concrete facts that society tends to deny differences when, in reality, we are all different.

It also fights against the labels and euphemisms that define children with autism. Because inclusion and isolation reside not simply in semantics but in an actual change in civilized behavior.

“Changing the semantics does not necessarily improve the awareness of coexistence with all those who are different,” says the actress. Who claims to have a daughter who does not suffer from autism, but with an even more complex cognitive condition since it is unclassifiable and for which “there is no manual that can be useful”.

The famous artist underlines far and wide in her text that we all have different abilities, because “we are all different”. She also reports that her 6-year-old daughter is unable to speak, eat, go to the bathroom, drink, dress, express feelings, and put on her shoes on her own.

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“We are tremendously stupid if we don’t accept those with disabilities. Now it just turns out that it shouldn’t be said ”, Inés says through social networks, with the aim of underlining how important it is to become aware of people’s problems and difficulties as a basis for integration and love.

A look at pedagogy for children with autism spectrum disorders

Another aspect to think about is the schooling and education of children with autism. This is due to the complexity of finding an institution that welcomes children with different abilities and that includes those with as yet unknown pathologies.

“She could have entered a normal educational institution because she was 3 and a half years old and still did not walk or speak. And we didn’t even know how much he understood ”. So says the actress, who also questions the pedagogical training of some teachers.

“It is not called ‘disabled’, but three special schools for ‘disabled’ children refused it because it did not fall under any of the pathologies that were managed there. She is not hypoacusic, she is not autistic, she does not have cerebral palsy, she does not have DPS “, accused Inés, concluding that  ” the form does not improve the substance “.

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On the one hand, the Latin artist makes her small contribution to the acquisition of an awareness of the assistance, inclusion and dedication necessary for the development of children with autism. In addition to calling for more real social commitment.

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“My only goal is and will always be to work together to expose the shortcomings of a system that has led to the inclusion of changes and progress, but still has much to fix, improve and conquer” , he stressed. Clarifying that she is not trying to dramatize her situation but to give visibility to a cause that is not alien to her.

For the actress, a first step in this “struggle for equality” would be understanding. Do not use the terms with contempt, as if they were insults, and do not stigmatize anyone.

And, besides the proclamations to properly name them, the main thing would be to deal with what really matters: recognizing these minorities, accepting them, including them.

Also, Inés Estevez refers to the classic and very wrong ‘this child has problems, don’t look at him that makes him uncomfortable’. “Look at it, touch it, approach it, interact. For him you too are strange, but if you caress him he will give you a kiss, if you play a joke on him he will laugh, and if you want (and he too will) you can play a little together “.

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