Things We Have To Thank Our Son For Today

There are so many things we should thank our son for today. Let’s not forget to do it!
Things we need to thank our son for today

We all know how much praising a good deed or positive behavior helps reinforce that behavior in our children. And we all know how much that positive reinforcement prevents us parents from continually resorting to punishment and punishment for wrong behavior. That’s why, we have a lot to thank our son for today.

If you are a mother or a father, you will surely have noticed that this is not an easy thing to do. It’s true. If you have a child – or two – and besides working you also need to take care of them, cook, clean, wash, iron etc. most likely you will have said to your children “No” or “No, this no” or “Forget it, this is not the time”. Maybe even several times throughout the day.

But if we take a step back and really think about our child or our children, we realize that often things are much simpler than they appear and that if we face certain situations in a certain way it is only because of tiredness and stress. .

We will also notice that there are so many aspects of our child that we adore. And that the time has come to start showing its greatness during the day.

In this article we want to talk to you about what we can do to let our child know what we love about him. But above all, how can we go about thanking our son for being that wonderful creature he is.  

Responsibility, an aspect to thank our son for

It is true that the help of children is generally not very useful. And often we mothers and fathers ask their little ones to stay out of the room in order to allow us to clean or tidy up in peace, without being disturbed. But our son loves us more than anyone in the world and wants to help help us. Let’s not deny him this pleasure.

The next time our child wants to help us with the housework, let’s thank him for his availability and give him an age-appropriate task and responsibility. Most young children are able to tidy up toys, tidy up their belongings, or clean a table. We think about our child’s age and the tasks he is capable of doing.

We may not realize it, but we have to thank our son for his patience


Children love to be affectionate with the people they love and care about them. To thank our son for these wonderful gestures of affection it is important that we reciprocate them. So let’s show him all the love we feel for him, without any reservations.

Hugs and kisses are never too many. Let’s tell him a story, let’s take him in his arms. When our children show us his affection, he is telling us that he loves us. So let’s not hesitate to show him how much he pleases us and how much his affection makes us feel good!

If our child knows that his affection makes us happy, he will continue to show us all his love just to see us smile. Let’s tell him we love him every day.


At first glance it might seem that children don’t have much patience. The reality, however, is quite different. In fact, there are children who have much more patience than adults. Little ones depend on the people who take care of them for almost everything. Hence, they are totally dependent on adults.

This means that on many occasions they will have to wait for a thing. Maybe a little, but they will have to wait. The next time the child shows great patience while waiting for us to prepare the baby food, or while we are in line at the supermarket, or we are going to play at the playground, or in any other situation, we do not hesitate to thank our child for the his patience.

Every day we should thank our son for the love he shows us

To grow up

Children grow up, it is inevitable. However, as they grow up they teach us what life is like and what they are like. Children want to enjoy life, be happy and smile all the time. This is a great lesson that we adults very often forget. And which, instead, we should remember.

Life is simpler than we think. Without losing sight of responsibilities, it is necessary to simplify things so that, in addition to enjoying life, we can grow, internally, together with our children.

There is no doubt that our children show it to us every day. And that’s something we have to thank them enormously for.

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