Tips To Remove The Diaper In 3 Days

Tips for removing the diaper in 3 days

Helping a baby remove the diaper is one of the main challenges a mother faces –  it never goes out of style and is inevitable. Despite this, we have not yet found the right method to accomplish this task. It is an activity that requires a lot of patience, determination and above all love.

However, if you follow the advice of the experts, taking off the diaper can be easier and faster than you think. Many mothers are willing to share the tricks that have worked to make the challenge less difficult.

Is it possible to do this in just three days?

Keeping in mind that the newborn has become accustomed to the diaper in a few days, the same can happen to take it off. However, we must consider the fact that it was us who got him used to it and that he knows no alternatives.

Based on the experiences reported by mothers and specialists, it is possible to do this in a few days. This statement is based on the application of techniques that aim to focus on the prevailing cognitive elements at this stage.

The method is quick, but there is no absolute certainty that the child will learn to go to the bathroom right away.  Once the diaper has been removed, it may happen that she goes to the toilet in unsuitable places. Progress occurs gradually , which is why the interest and commitment of the whole family is needed.

Going to the bathroom is not as simple as using a diaper, it is an activity that requires skills and independence that the child does not yet possess. Going into the bathroom alone, pulling down your pants, sitting down and all the actions that follow take months of practice and are learned along the way.

Three days to remove the diaper

How to remove the diaper and go to the potty.

While it is an effective method, it is not a foolproof guide for all families, as it involves keeping the baby naked from the waist down. Furthermore, in order for the procedure to work, it must be applied continuously and permanently.

The following tips help to apply the method successfully:

  • Prepare yourself so that you can dedicate the next three days entirely to this activity, remember to focus on the goal and make sure you have the time you need.
  • IS It is important to eliminate the tension that this could cause, because we know that positive stimuli, such as moments of fun, gratification, play and laughter, are more effective.
  • Specialists recommend not retracing your steps once this decision has been made. In order for the child to learn, the process must be constant and must involve the whole family.
  • Do everything possible to eliminate fears, as it is normal for children to not understand how to behave in these cases and what they are facing

Remove the diaper: the first day

  • Remember that the baby will have to go all day without a diaper and pants. This is important in order to begin to understand when you feel the need to urinate or defecate. Initially he will do it anywhere, so we must be ready to take him to the bathroom.
  • Part of the process requires the whole family to drink a hefty amount of fluids so that everyone goes to the bathroom all the time. Mother and father can take the baby with them.
  • Celebrate his little victories and don’t scold him when he’s not making progress; rather tell him where he needs to improve. Helping you clean up his needs could be effective.
  • Ask him to go to the bathroom before bed and have him wear a diaper until he sleeps.

Go out with the family on the second day

You have to repeat what was done on the first day, but this time you have to plan an outing with the family. This exit must be announced for a reason, the child must be able to use the potty a few moments before going out. For greater effectiveness, the action can be repeated by the whole family.

Remove the diaper and use the bathroom like grown-ups.

The goal is to get him to hold his pee until you get home. As a result, he shouldn’t be wearing a diaper, not even underwear, just a pair of comfortable pants. Don’t forget to bring a change of clothes to deal with any “accidents”.

Take the potty out on the third day

We repeat the actions of the previous days again but, instead of just one outing, we will take two walks. We have to make sure that the child relates going out to the need to go to the bathroom; he pees before going out and holds back until he returns.

In these cases, we recommend that you bring the potty with you because, if we are lucky, they will use it outside the home. It is not recommended to use the car or leave home for a long time, as these are pressure-free learning walks.

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