What Is Vamping?

Vamping is the new fashion for teenagers, who stay up all night to exchange messages and communicate on social networks. What are its damages and how can we protect our children?
What is vamping?

The word “vamping” is composed of the union of two English terms: “vampire” (in Italian, “vampire”) and “texting” (which indicates the action of typing messages). When combined, these words take on the following meaning: a person who stays awake during the night (just like vampires) for the purpose of employing any of the many devices offered by technology to send text messages or use them for other purposes.

Nowadays, vamping has become a phenomenon that has taken on a global scale. Despite its many detractors (usually adults), the list of people who engage in it on a daily basis (mostly teenagers) continues to grow.

Due to its importance and the many prejudices it carries with it, we have decided to dedicate a post to this topic.

Birth of vamping as a phenomenon

As a phenomenon, vamping was born in tandem with the development of modern means of communication: tablet, mobile phone, computer, Internet …

The electronic devices and the advantages they offer (interactivity, socialization 24 hours a day, inexhaustible flow of information of all kinds), combined with the increasing scarcity of time, at least for those who know how to take advantage of them, lead adolescents to devote themselves to vamping.

Vamping can cause numerous sleep disturbances

On the other hand, the possibility of being connected with people living on the other side of the world, to get to know other cultures or other ways of thinking, is extremely seductive.

It is known that one of the main characteristics of adolescence is the need to be part of a group. Consequently,  vamping is a fashion, and as a fashion, it’s no wonder everyone wants to be a part of it.

Furthermore, it should be noted that not all adolescents enjoy the privacy and peace at home to be able to relax during the day and thus be able to “do and undo” without escaping parental supervision. For this reason, they spend the night telling each other their experiences, talking about their doubts and sharing their problems, their experiences in social networks and any other concerns.

Damage caused by vamping

Vamping, like other phenomena related to technology, produces damage. Among them, we would like to mention the following.

  • Disturbances in circadian rhythms.
  • Insomnia:  Teens swap day for night. In other words, those who stay active during the night and sleep (or try to) during the morning hours are prone to suffer from this type of disorder.
  • Low academic achievement. Since they don’t rest overnight, they struggle to stay focused throughout the day. They pay little or no attention to their teachers, sleep in class, and tend to take time off from school to stay home to rest.
  • Dependence on technology,  manifesting the tendency to prefer virtual life to real life.
  • Low tolerance to the views  expressed by their parents about their behavior.
  • Weakness and fatigue,  to the point of becoming chronic.
  • Irritability, anxiety and instability of character and their moods.
  • Depression.
  • Eye strain,  which can lead to some vision problems.

How can you keep your child away from vamping?

The first rule to adopt in order to be able to deal with a teenager and make sure that, at least, he listens to you is not to forbid him things. If you start reducing the hours he can spend connected to electronic devices or even stop him from doing so, you have started your battle badly.

The question is to  find a method that allows you to negotiate with him without imposing your will or letting him impose his. We know, it’s difficult. For this reason, we at  Siamo Mamme  want to give you some advice that we believe can be of help.

  • Ask him to talk about the new lifestyle he is adopting. Agree on a time to talk only about this topic. Don’t try to bring the issue up in each of your conversations, as you may end up boring and repetitive. The only result you will get is that it will try to avoid you.
  • Help him make a comparison between his life before vamping and the next. Point out the pros and cons of wandering away from his social life during the day, with all that involving insufficient rest during the night. Low grades, few outdoor recreation, poor physical activity, lack of time to share with family, etc.
  • Ask him about his future and ask him how he sees himself in 2 or 3 years. Don’t tell him how you see him. Ask him questions, so that he himself understands the importance of studying, taking time to develop physically, emotionally and psychologically, and living the life entrusted to him.

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