When Is It Time To Remove The Bottle?

Many parents wonder when it’s time to take out the bottle. The reality is that this step often happens naturally.
When is it time to remove the bottle?

It is certainly no secret that the bottle is essential to facilitate the task of feeding babies. Sometimes it even serves to calm them down when they don’t stop crying. However, excessive use could have negative consequences for your children so it is important to know when to remove the bottle.

If your baby has been using it for a long time, ask yourself if you have already noticed any signs that it is time to remove the bottle . Maybe you already have an idea of ​​how to reduce and then eliminate the use of this tool if you already have children, otherwise read on to find out more!

When to remove the bottle?

When the bottle is needed more by parents than the baby

We must recognize that we live in a fast-paced world and we are all completely absorbed in work. For this reason, when parents arrive home, they find that the bottle is an excellent solution to reassure the little ones.

In fact, children have many tantrums and cry uncontrollably to attract the attention of mom and dad. As a parent, it is important that you do not see a bottle as a way to calm your baby.

Dad gives the baby a bottle

Children need to spend time with you, so you need to plan your day and plan a time to share and play with the little ones. This way, you won’t need the help of the bottle to calm them down in a moment of continuous crying. This will allow you to preserve your emotional health and to remove the bottle when the time comes .

When the bottle prevents the baby from developing other skills

IS difficult to pronounce words correctly with a bottle in their mouth, which means that the baby may take longer to speak well. Do not forget that food should not be kept in the mouth all day, therefore neither should the bottle, otherwise there is a risk of developing the so-called “bottle caries”.

Nor is it easy for babies to abandon something they know well, the bottle, for something they don’t know, the glass, for example. Such a change could fuel a climate of insecurity.

As parents, it is normal to want to avoid this stress for babies and let them use the bottle longer than they should. Be careful, though, as this could prevent them from developing certain skills. Making mistakes is normal when they start using the glass and it is necessary for them to be able to do what is expected at their age. Don’t be a helicopter parent, let your children discover their potential little by little.

When the baby is already on a full diet and the bottle adds extra calories

Feeding your baby with a bottle is a great idea when he is not yet ready to eat solid food. But bottle-loving babies who don’t give up on it for anything in the world simply add extra calories to their diet.

This is a problem that should not be underestimated as it could lead to obesity for your child. Furthermore, children who insist on not eating anything solid and wanting only a bottle, risk drinking more milk than necessary, therefore consuming too much sugar and compromising nutrition.

When the child already uses the glass

Child drinks from the cup

The last sign that the time has come to ditch the bottle is when the baby has learned to use the glass or cup. Let him become familiar with these utensils and gradually reduce the frequency with which you prepare the bottle with milk.

As you can see, using a bottle and taking it off are two experiences that you will discover naturally. Try to consider this object for what it is, that is, an aid to properly feed your baby when his strength or abilities still do not allow him to eat on his own. So you will be able to find the perfect time to remove the bottle without effort.

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