With Children We Reap What We Sow

If you give love, you will receive love. If you behave with respect and empathy, you will receive respect and empathy. With children we reap what we sow.
With children we reap what we sow

With children, as in life itself, what is sown is reaped.

This is why it is best to pay particular attention to the words and attitudes you use with them, especially during childhood. Because tomorrow may already be too late and the consequences are dramatic.

How do you reap what you sow?

“Everything returns” says an old and widespread popular saying. This principle applies perfectly to the education of children. Without a doubt, everything you give sooner or later returns. So if what you have given is love, love will come back. 

The advice is therefore not to lose sight of the essential, neglecting the education of your child, because you may regret it. Irremediably, time passes and does not go back. For this reason, motherhood and fatherhood are moments to be enjoyed to the fullest when they arrive.

Household chores or work mishaps don’t matter. Children don’t understand what they are. They just need your time and dedication. And especially of your love. Take some time to devote to what is actually worth more than anything else. Because the past does not give a second chance.


Refusal of children

It is true that sometimes a person comes home tired, even exhausted. Don’t let this tiredness win you over. Remember that this can ruin the most beautiful and intense relationship of your life, damaging a unique and sacred bond: the one that unites you to your child.

Other people go even further, getting absorbed in work even at home. The child sees the parents busy, responsible and impassive in front of calculations, notes and computers. And the little ones miss the long-awaited moment: the one spent together.

“Now no” many parents repeat “. In the era of new information and communication technologies, paradoxically, the ability to communicate is being lost, especially with children.

Likewise, parents are sometimes addicted to mobile devices or don’t react to the power of television. While children only ask for time, attention, dedication, protection and lots of love. These things are denied, without thinking that sooner or later the bill will come to you.

“Stop bothering,” says the mother while fixing the house or the father while washing the car. In reality, the child alone needed a chat or a moment of leisure spent together, the best legacy for the children.

Starting from adolescence, what has been sown is harvested

baby cries

At this time in life when your child begins to show a rebellious character and physically change, be prepared for the time when this past will return. You will understand this immediately, as soon as your child responds badly to you or repeats one of the phrases you used with him during his childhood.

“Mom, not now!”, “Don’t bother me, Dad”. It is a present unable to change old mistakes, it will hurt. Without a doubt, deep down you know that you have wasted time and opportunities to spend moments of tenderness with your children. And it is at this point that you understand that it is true, that you reap what you sow.

As the years go by, the temper of adolescence will go away, along with the pimples and all the other signs of this age. Still, this crop will remain to remind you of what you once sowed. The time will come to meet new people, to form relationships and, one day, build a family.

In this future, closer than you think, you will regret those bad choices and those mistakes. They say that time is man’s enemy, but this can be avoided by acting on what we love. And who can we love more than our children and our family?

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